Saritha Dillibabu
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Which record related to Mount Everest has been set recently by mountaineer Kamirita Sherpa?


She is the first person to climb without oxygen


She is the oldest person to reach the top


She is the first person to reach the peak 30 times


She is the first person to reach the peak alone


She is the first person to climb the mountain twice in 15 days.

Answer : Option C

Explanation :

Nepalese mountaineer Kamirita Sherpa climbed Mount Everest twice in ten days, achieving his 30th ascent in May, 2024.

Kamirita is the first person to reach the peak 30 times, surpassing his previous record of 29 ascents set in May, 2024.

Last year on 23 May, Kamirita successfully climbed Mount Everest for the 28th time

Head of the Everest camp of the Tourism Department – Khimlal Gautam


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