NABARD Office Attendant Recruitment 2024 live direct link online apply

The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has announced the NABARD Office Attendant Recruitment 2024, offering an excellent opportunity f

NABARD Office Attendant Recruitment 2024 live direct link online apply

The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has announced the NABARD Office Attendant Recruitment 2024, offering an excellent opportunity for aspiring candidates to join the prestigious bank in its Office Attendant – Group C category. With a total of 108 vacancies, this is your chance to secure a government job with NABARD, one of India’s leading financial institutions.

NABARD Website: 


Key Dates to Remember

If you're interested in applying, make sure you mark the following important dates in your calendar:

  • Starting Date for Online Application & Payment of Fee: 02-10-2024
  • Last Date for Online Application & Payment of Fee: 21-10-2024

Post Name and Vacancy Details

       Important Dates / Timelines                                   

Online Application Registration and Payment of Online Fees/Intimation Charges           

02 October 2024 to 

21 October 2024 

Online Examination 21 November 2024 
@ NABARD reserves the right to make change in the date of the examination. The online examination would be conducted on weekdays / weekend. 

  Number of vacancies and reservation – Office Attendant (OA




Regional Offices Category    





Andhra Pradesh 19 
Arunachal Pradesh 
Himachal Pradesh 
J & K 
10 Jharkhand 
11 Karnataka (Includes BIRD Mangaluru) 
12 Kerala 
13 Madhya Pradesh 


(Includes Head 

Office-Mumbai) @ 

10 14 35 
15 Manipur 
16 Meghalaya 
17 Mizoram 
18 New Delhi 
19 Odisha 
20 Punjab 
21 Rajasthan 
22 Tamil Nadu 
23 Telangana 
24 Tripura 

Uttar Pradesh 

(Includes NBSC) @ 

26 Uttarakhand 
27 West Bengal 
 Total 54 12 28 10 108 19 


 @ Includes Backlog vacancy, details as under: 

State Category Vacancy 
Maharashtra ST 08 
OBC 02 
Odisha ST 01 
UP OBC 01 

Eligibility Criteria:  Educational Qualification (as on 01 October 2024) 

A candidate should have passed 10th Standard (S.S.C./Matriculation) from the concerned State/UT coming under the State/Regional Office to which he/she is applying. Such qualification should be from a recognized board


Age (as on 01-10-2024) 


The candidate must be between 18 and 30 years of age as on 01/10/2024, i.e., the candidate must have been born not earlier than 02/10/1994 and not later than 01/10/2006  (both days inclusive) are eligible to apply. 

 Relaxation in the Upper Age Limit: 

 Upper age limit will be relaxed as under: 



Category Relaxation in Age 
(i) Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe By 5 years, i.e. up to 35 years 
(ii) Other Backward Classes (OBC) By 3 years, i.e. up to 33 years 
(iii) Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PWBD) By 10 years (GEN), 13 years (OBC) & 15 years (SC/ST) 



Ex‐Servicemen  To the extent of service rendered by them in Armed Forces plus an additional period of 3 years subject to maximum of 50 years 



Widows/divorced women/ women judicially separated who are not remarried By 10 years 


Selection Procedure 


The selection will be done on the basis of Online Test (as given below) and Language Proficiency Test (LPT). 

  1. Online Test 
Sr. No. Name of test (objective) No. of questions Maximum Marks Duration 
Test of Reasoning30 30 Composite time of 90 minutes 
English Language30 30 
General Awareness30 30 
Numerical Ability30 30 
 Total 120 120 


  1. Language Proficiency Test 

All the Selected /Waitlist candidates would require to undergo the Language Proficiency Test (LPT).  The LPT will be conducted in the official language of the State concerned / the State for which the candidate has applied in the online application form.  The LPT will be qualifying in nature. Candidates not qualifying/ passing the (LPT), would be disqualified. The details of LPT to be conducted would be available on NABARD website after declaration of the Online Examination Result. 


  1. The online test except English language, will be available bilingually, i.e. in English and Hindi. 
  2. Only Such Candidates who score the cut off marks or above in the Online Test will be shortlisted for the Selection. 
  3. There will be negative marking for wrong answers in the online test.  For every wrong answer marked, 1/4th mark will be deducted as penalty in examination.  


Application Fee / Intimation  Charges  (Non-Refundable  Payment of Fee Online: (from 02 October 2024 to  21 October 2024) 

Application fee (exclusive of applicable GST) for the post of would be as under: 

Category of Applicants   Application Fee Intimation Charges, etc. Total Fee 
For SC/ST/PWBD/EXS Rs. 50 Rs. 50* 
All others Rs. 450 Rs. 50 Rs. 500* 

       *Exclusive of Applicable GST. 


Nabard Official Notification PDF LINK


Download Here Official PDF Link to Read 


Online Apply Here 


Official Link to Apply Online :


all the best 

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Latest Comments "NABARD Office Attendant Recruitment 2024 live direct link online apply "

  1. Sc/ST cate age relaxation upto 35 ages apply but online application can't type age in fact my date of birth is 21/5/1992 , and also I am a SC candidate


  2. I want to job sir/ ma'am kindly requested Axis bank data entry operator 6 years experience is there sir


  3. Actually sir/ mam mala hya job chi atyant garaj ahe ....pan job apply chi link opan hot nahi....please help me...


  4. मी आत्ता सध्या अटेंडंट म्हणूनच शाळे मदे काम करत आहे त्या मुळे मला खूप अनुभव आहे आणी मला नाबार्ड मदे काम करायची इच्छा आहे


  5. What about the UR categories? Why they pay the high amount of rupees 500. As all Indian's are same so why...?


  6. I am handicapped sir mu ehi Post ku apply kariparibiki sir, please reply deantu, post -attnada ,odisha in the kandhamal district, khajuri pada block,my qualification+2pas arts,


  7. NABARD is bank that gives strength and support to the farmers and we have support it far as it's possible


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