TNUSRB Exam Schedule 2022 Constable, Jail Warden & Firemen Posts @ On its official website,, the Tamil Nadu University Service Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) has announced the dates of the written examinations for the positions of Constable, Jail Warden, and others. You can get the PDF here.
The following is the TNUSRB Constable Exam Schedule for 2022: On its official website, the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) has provided candidates interested in the positions of Constable, Jail Warden, and Firemen with the date of the corresponding written examination. On November 27, 2022, the TNUSRB will be holding the written exam for the Grade II Police Constable position, as well as the Grade II Jail Warden position, and the Fireman position.
Candidates who have submitted their applications and been accepted for the positions of Gr-II Police Constables, Gr-II Jail Wardens, and Fireman can now download the TNUSRB Constable Exam Date 2022 from the official website located at
On the other hand, the TNUSRB Constable Exam Date 2022 is available for direct download through the link that is provided below.
According to the brief notice that was distributed, the Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) will most likely hold the written examination for Grade II Police Constables, Grade II Jail Wardens, and Firemen on November 27, 2022, between the hours of 10:00 and 12:40. Reporting time has been set for the beginning of the written examination for all of the candidates.
Here Official Notification Link
All The Best